CBSE Class 12 Hindi Syllabus

The NCERT Class 12 Hindi core syllabus has been revised for the academic year 2024-25, as per the guidelines set by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). The syllabus includes a total of 10 units, covering topics such as अपठित बोध (Unseen Comprehension), अभिव्यक्ति और माध्यम (Expression and Medium), साहित्य (Literature), and रचनात्मक लेखन (Creative Writing).

  • Increased focus on critical thinking and analytical skills
  • Addition of new topics, such as पत्रकारिता और जनसंचार (Journalism and Mass Communication)
  • Removal of some topics, such as भाषा-विज्ञान (Linguistics)
  • A greater emphasis on Hindi as a medium of communication
A Reading Comprehension

Unseen Passage:

  1. One passage of approximately 500-600 words
  2. Comprehension questions based on the passage


  1. One unseen poem with questions to test comprehension, interpretation, and appreciation

Creative Writing Skills

Short Writing Tasks

  1. Notice, Advertisement

Formal Letters

  1. Application for a job or letter to the editor

Long Writing Tasks

  1. Article, Report Writing

Literature Textbooks

Aroh Prose

  1. Includes stories, essays, and articles

Aroh Poetry

  1. Poems from various poets, analyzing themes and styles


  1. Drama: Study of significant plays
  2. Novel: Analysis of a prescribed novel
  3. Essays: Understanding and critique of selected essays
  • उपसर्ग और प्रत्यय (Prefixes and Suffixes): Understanding the use and function of prefixes and suffixes in word formation.
  • संधि (Sandhi): Study of vowel and consonant combinations, including स्वर संधि, व्यंजन संधि, and विसर्ग संधि.
  • रचना के आधार पर वाक्य भेद (Sentence Structure): Types of sentences based on their structure like सरल, संयुक्त, और मिश्र वाक्य.
  • क्रिया (Verb): Understanding various forms and uses of verbs, including सकर्मक और अकर्मक क्रिया, मुख्य क्रिया और सहायक क्रिया.
  • काल (Tense): Study of the three types of tenses - वर्तमान, भूत, and भविष्यत काल, along with their subtypes.
  • वाच्य (Voice): Active and passive voice, with emphasis on प्रयोग में अंतर.
  • वाच्य परिवर्तन (Voice Change): Conversion of sentences from active to passive voice and vice versa.
  • अलंकार (Figures of Speech): Study of various figures of speech like अनुप्रास, यमक, उपमा, रूपक, and अन्योक्ति.
  • मुहावरे और लोकोक्तियाँ (Idioms and Proverbs): Learning common Hindi idioms and proverbs and their appropriate usage.
  • पर्यायवाची और विलोम शब्द (Synonyms and Antonyms):Understanding words with similar meanings (synonyms) and opposite meanings (antonyms).
  • शुद्ध वर्तनी (Correct Spelling): Focus on correct spelling and proper use of punctuation marks in Hindi.
  • Here is the CBSE Class 12th Hindi Core syllabus for the 2024-2025 academic year, organized in a table with the subtopics listed under each main section

    internal Assessment(20)

    Listening Skills, Speaking Skills, Project Work

    1. Listening Skills-5 Marks
    2. Speaking Skills-5 Marks
    3. Project Work-10 Marks

    Summary of Differences

    1. Hindi Core covers a broad range of texts and topics, providing a balanced approach to different literary forms and writing skills
    2. Hindi Elective focuses on a more detailed and in-depth study of fewer texts, offering a specialized analysis of literature

    Reading Comprehension

    Unseen Passage

    1. One passage of approximately 500-600 words (10 marks)
    2. Comprehension questions based on the passage


    1. One unseen poem with questions to test comprehension, interpretation, and appreciation (10 marks

    Creative Writing Skills

    1. Short Writing Tasks(4)
    2. Formal Letters(6)
    3. Long Writing Tasks(10)

    Literature Textbooks

    1. Aroh(20)
    2. Vitan(20)

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