The CBSE Class 11 Hindi syllabus aims to enhance students' understanding and appreciation of Hindi language and literature. It includes studying various literary genres such as prose, poetry, and drama, authored by renowned Indian writers. The curriculum emphasizes reading comprehension, critical analysis, and interpretation of texts. It also focuses on developing writing skills through essays, reports, and creative compositions. Grammar and vocabulary are integral parts of the syllabus, aiding in the refinement of language skills. The course encourages students to engage with cultural and linguistic heritage, fostering a deeper connection with the Hindi language.
The CBSE Class 11 Hindi syllabus offers an in-depth exploration of the language's rich literary heritage, aiming to cultivate a profound understanding and appreciation of Hindi literature. The curriculum is structured to include a diverse range of literary forms such as prose, poetry, and drama, representing various periods and styles in Indian literature. Students engage with works by prominent authors and poets, analyzing themes, styles, and cultural contexts. The syllabus also emphasizes the development of advanced language skills, including grammar, vocabulary, and composition. Through essays, reports, and creative writing exercises, students are encouraged to express their thoughts and ideas effectively in Hindi. Additionally, the course covers the study of significant literary movements and their impact on society, providing a comprehensive understanding of the evolution of Hindi literature. The curriculum also incorporates lessons on linguistic structure and usage, enhancing students' command over the language. Overall, the Class 11 Hindi syllabus is designed to deepen students' knowledge of Hindi, foster critical thinking, and encourage a greater appreciation for India's linguistic and cultural diversity.
A Comprehensive Guide for Class 11th Hindi
[गद्य – खंड]
Chapter - 1 :नमक का दारोगा Chapter - 2 :मियाँ नसीरुद्दीन Chapter - 3 : अपू के साथ ढाई साल Chapter - 4 : विदाई-संभाषण Chapter - 5 :गलता लोहा Chapter - 6 :रजनी Chapter - 7 :जामुन का पेड़ Chapter - 8 :भारत माता[काव्य – खंड]
Chapter - 9 : हम तौ एक एक करि जांनां, संतों देखत जग बौरानाChapter - 10 : मेरे तो गिरधर गोपाल दूसरो न कोई, पग घुँघरू बाधि मीरां नाचीChapter - 11 :घर की याद Chapter - 12 : चंपा काले-काले अच्छर नहीं चीन्हती Chapter - 13 :गजल Chapter - 14 :हे भूख! मत मचल, हे मेरे जूही के फूल जैसे ईश्वर Chapter - 15 :सबसे खतरनाक Chapter - 16 :आओ, मिलकर बचाएँVitan
Chapter - 1 :भारतीय गायिकाओं में बेजोड़ : लता मंगेशकरChapter - 2 :राजस्थान की रजत बूँदेंChapter - 3 :आलो-आँधारिChapter - 4 :भारतीय कलाएँChapter - 5 :लेखकों के बारे मेंहिंदी व्याकरण
वर्णमाला और उनका प्रयोग
संज्ञा (Nouns):
सर्वनाम (Pronouns)
क्रिया (Verbs)
विशेषण (Adjectives)
क्रियाविशेषण (Adverbs)
संबंधसूचक शब्द (Prepositions)
संयोजन (Conjunctions)
वाक्य निर्माण (Sentence Construction)
उपसर्ग और प्रत्यय (Prefixes and Suffixes
अलंकरण (Figures of Speech)